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Deleted 72 days ago

Yes so please play this game if you have PC . It is better....And IDK how to make the camera rotate because I dont know how and i tried it was bad....Thanks for your feedback

Deleted 72 days ago

ok lol

This game is an amazing concept. The music is pretty nice.

You might want to make sure that the camera doesn't go out of bounds for the map though. If the object you're controlling goes too high, then the camera clips through the ceiling. As for controlling the player object, a tutorial would be nice; I don't know how to rotate the view of the player.

Anyways, keep coding. I hope you bring updates to this game.


The Camera going out of bound was intended.


Please play the Versions selected for your device...


Thanks for your feedback...I will try to make it so that the camera rotates....😅

it takes time to load LOL 




Deleted 4 years ago


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